Starlight workbook 11 скачать
Description > Starlight workbook 11 скачать
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Description > Starlight workbook 11 скачать
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Intonation activities help Ss improve their intonation patterns. Speaking Each module includes a double-pageSpeaking unit. Each module is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest.
The games in the Teacher's Book enable Ss to use the new language in an enjoyable way, using the format of a team competition, and promoting humanistic learning. These tasks employ the vocabulary and grammar practiced in each module, in this way reinforcing understanding of the language taught in the module. A particular feature of the book is the teaching of collocations, which helps Ss remember vocabulary items as parts of set expressions.
Starlight 1 - Workbook - Heuristic skills These are practised at various points in each module, where students are required to carry out research, mainly on the Internet, in order to complete structured projects.
The Starlight Workbook provides скачать of extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar learnt in starlight unit. Lots of the activities are personalized, and extension activities keep fast finishers motivated. A communicative cut-out activity in every unit provides opportunities for students to improve their speaking скачать />Practice A variety of contexts and songs, projects and communicative pair work give students plenty of opportunities to practise new vocabulary and grammar. The Workbook provides plenty of extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar learnt in every unit. Lots of the workbooks are personalized, and extension activities keep faster learners motivated. Communicate Role plays, games, projects, and group or paired speaking activities provide opportunities for students to communicate with one another. The integrated Starlignt to language and skills development focuses on fluency and accuracy. Systematic recycling of all core language in every unit through review lessons are designed to Starligjt all unit language from students in preparation for their exams. Culture pages offer the opportunity to transfer useful, practical English language to a range of different areas of the school curriculum such as Art, Music, Science, Geography, History and Maths. The course offers rich video content with wprkbook stories and cross-curricular clips that resemble authentic materials, bringing English to life. A Project and Value Lesson in every unit integrates socio-cultural aspects of learning and promotes self-esteem, positive attitude, tolerance and respect. The Project and Value Lesson is an active, hands-on, long-form task in which students develop an item or skills that will be useful in real life. The lesson also introduces a civic value that connects to the unit topics. The project development makes it easy to practise the 21st century skills of critical workbook, collaboration, communication, and creativity in the classroom. The Classroom Presentation Tool delivers heads-up learning. Online resources for teachers include tests, extra worksheets and flashcards, and word cards.